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NewFields’ experts assess and evaluate the impact of your project so you can make informed decisions.
Impact assessment services examine the potential adverse social, health, and environmental effects of a proposed project/action. Our experts have conducted environmental, health, and social impact assessments in many countries and are familiar with both domestic and international standards. We prepare socioeconomic analyses as stand-alone documents or as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NewFields offers proven capability in leading projects, teams, and directing consultant staff. Services include:
- Facility Siting and Planning Services
- NEPA and Related State Environmental Policy Compliance
- Public and Community Involvement
- Impact Assessment Modeling (water, air, noise, etc.)
- Human Environmental Baseline and Impact Analyses
- Economic Impacts
- Minority- and Low-Income Populations Impact Examination
- Local Resident Health Risks Examination
- Human Rights Impact Assessment
- Human Health Toxicology
- Retrospective and Prospective Exposure Assessment
- Evaluation of Biomonitoring Data
- Toxicity Assessment
- Deterministic and Probabilistic Human Health Risk Analysis
How We Can Help
NewFields is known for customizing solutions to meet the unique challenges faced by our clients. We know that most projects do not fit neatly in a box. Below is just a sample of some of the most common services we provide for impact assessment and analysis.
- Facility Siting and Planning Services
We combine technical expertise with an in-depth understanding of international, federal, state, and local regulatory frameworks to uncover a proposed project’s potential environmental, social, engineering, and economic challenges. We then develop and implement strategies to facilitate and accelerate the permitting and approval process.
- Permit Planning and Management
We specialize in biological assessments and habitat conservation plans, weed management plans, restoration plans, and compliance monitoring including:- Wetland restoration plans
- Archeological/cultural surveys
- Archeological/cultural monitoring in compliance with the National Historical Preservation Act (SHPO)
- Desert tortoise surveys and health assessments
- Biological construction monitoring
- Migratory bird surveys
- Burrowing owl surveys and monitoring
- Botany surveys, including rare plants
- Human Environmental Baseline and Impact Analysis
We prepare social, economic, and health baseline and impact analyses and ESIAs for projects involving mining, oil and gas development, water diversions, well field development, rights-of-way transfer, land withdrawals, wastewater treatment facilities, airports, and scientific laboratory facilities.
We have extensive experience preparing environmental impact analysis documents (CatEx EIS, EA, DNA) to meet the requirements of both domestic and international regulatory organizations. Our capabilities include assessment of the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts that a project is predicted to have on the social, biological, and physical environment on a local, regional, and national scale.
- Human Health Toxicology
Our toxicologists are internationally recognized, experienced in mechanistic, molecular, regulatory, occupational, radiological, environmental, and medical/clinical toxicology.Our human health risk assessors apply rigorous data analysis, quantitative exposure assessment and toxicological expertise to our clients’ most challenging issues, both within the framework of existing regulatory guidance and in creating strategies that are scientifically sound, health-protective, cost-effective, and acceptable to regulators.
- Minority- and Low-Income Populations Impact Examination
Our experts identify environmental justice populations (minority and low-income populations) that may be affected by an action and determine mitigations if the populations would be adversely impacted. Our experts have worked all over the Western US in communities with significant Hispanic and Native American/Alaska Native populations.
Case Study
Client needs help controlling development of alternatives by regulatory agencies during the NEPA process.
NewFields will work directly with the client and complete an internal impact analysis associated with the proposed project. This will allow modifications to the project description to address potential impacts and implement mitigations measures as part of the proposed action prior to submittal of the permit application.
Client is planning construction of a new pipeline through diverse populated areas in an international location.
We provide health planning and disease management services that include pre-project strategic planning, on-site training and assessment during construction, and post construction health impact assessment. Another key component in this process is risk communication. Our scientists are skilled communicators tailored to public forums and stakeholder meetings.
The NewFields Difference
NewFields focuses on meeting the clients’ needs while providing a quality product.
We promote the use of baseline environmental data to complete a plan that will minimize impacts resulting from the siting, design, operation, and closure of the project. This approach reduces the risk that a regulatory agency will develop alternatives or mitigation measures during the public / NEPA process that will affect the economics and feasibility of the project.
Let us help you with your next project and experience the NewFields difference!