Doug Rogness

Doug  Rogness
Doug Rogness
Principal Hydrologist/Hydrogeologist
Phone Number
(406) 443-3556

Mr. Rogness is a Principal Hydrologist/Hydrogeologist with 30 years of experience in surface water and groundwater resource assessment associated with industrial projects, including hard-rock and coal mines, coal- bed methane production fields, manufacturing plants, oil & gas production facilities, refineries, petroleum storage facilities and transmission pipelines, wood-treating sites, geothermal facilities, and restoration sites. Doug’s experience includes design and implementation of baseline studies to characterize groundwater and surface water in a variety of environmental settings in the U.S. and Ghana. He is particularly adept at evaluating water quality data, completing data validation, developing conceptual hydrologic models, conducting water balance assessments, and completing environmental impact studies. Doug also has experience in: completing watershed studies; preparing discharge and storm water permits; conducting TMDL studies; preparing water right applications; completing wetland and stream studies and mitigation plans; evaluating industrial health conditions; and providing expert witness testimony.

Mr. Rogness holds an M.S. in Hydrology/Groundwater and a B.S. in Earth Sciences/Geology and Soil.