Contact NewFields Mexico
Mr. Herrera is a hydrogeologist with over 12 years of professional experience, related to groundwater evaluation and exploration, pit dewatering, and wellfields operation. His experience related to mining projects is diverse and includes obtaining groundwater availability in several aquifers in order to obtain water rights for mining industries, as well as water exploration for water supply and wellfields operations. He has been responsible for pit dewatering and water supply strategies at one of the biggest mines in Mexico. Moreover, he has been responsible for study and project management, long term water availability projections developing groundwater mathematical models, production and cost budgeting, capex / opex estimation, strategic planning, and personnel training and development. His cost efficient and innovative operational management skills have proven successful on both small and large-scale mines. Mr. Herrera has a Ph.D. in Water Sciences and a M.S. and B.S in Geology.